We are very excited that you will be baptized tomorrow!
I want to meet with you and the others who will be baptized in the sanctuary at 9:15 am before the service so that I can answer any questions that you may have and go over a few logistical things beforehand.
We will use our portable baptism outside the church on the back concrete patio. (NOTE: We will heat the water to about 90+ degrees so you will be comfortable)
What should I wear/bring?
• Wear long dark pants and a shirt (we will have a black "Raised To Life" baptism t-shirt for you to change into at the end of the service and wear during baptism...and keep afterward)
• We provide towels for you to dry with; You may want to bring one extra dry towel.
• Plastic bag to take home your wet clothes
• Hairbrush/comb and hair dryer (if desired)
• Change of dry clothes (Make sure to bring extra undergarments. You will get to change in the bathroom afterward)
• NOTE: (If you wish for your hair not to get wet, you might want to bring a hair covering…. I have shower caps, but they are not very sturdy, and might come off when he raises you up out of the water….. We have had several ladies in the past who covered their hair)
Will I have to say anything?
I will introduce you and allow you to tell a bit of your story of how you became born again and decided to be baptized. (If you do not want to "tell your story," I will ask you a few questions) You will be assisted by an usher into the water and be briefly prayed over and then lowered just under the water and raised back up. You will then leave the water by stepping out of the baptismal. (The ushers will help you out of the baptismal and someone will direct you back to the bathroom so that you can dry off and change your clothes.)
Understanding Water Baptism
Jesus established water baptism as a commitment opportunity for believers when He gave the Great Commission message in Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:16. Water Baptism is far more than a ritual or religious exercise. It is not only our personal choice, but it's a command for us as believers.
Water Baptism is a public, outward declaration that reflects a personal, inward faith. It associates the believer with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and signifies the believer's death to the old life and his or her resurrection as a new creation in Christ (Romans 6:1–8; Colossians 2:12, 2 Corinthians 5:17). To understand the reason for being water baptized; it is important to carefully consider what the Bible says about it.
The word baptize is from the Greek verb baptidzo which means “to immerse.” The process of baptism consists of immersion, submersion, and emergence. This process is used to describe John’s baptism and Christian baptism. Simply stated, to baptize is to totally immerse an object in another substance and then bring it out again.
Many denominational "fights" concerning water baptism could have been avoided if we had just translated the Greek word for baptize properly—which means "to immerse". When a person is baptized in water, his or her body is totally immersed in the water and brought out again.
The awesome significance of water baptism is that it symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and our identification with Him in them. The Scriptures refer to Jesus as the "last Adam" (I Corinthians 15:21-22, 45). Jesus, in His sacrifice for us, represented us. When a person receives Jesus as Lord, he identifies fully with what happened to Jesus (Romans 6:4-6). Water baptism is a physical act that should indelibly mark the mind of the person being baptized with the reality of his union with Jesus Christ.
Water baptism also allows the believer to openly testify to others of their born-again experience. It serves as an outward sign and testimony of an inward grace. The believer has been crucified with Christ, buried with Him, and raised together with Him to walk in newness of life (Galatians 2:20; Romans 6:4).
Jesus said in Matthew 28:19, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” We believe it is scriptural to baptize in the Name of each of the Trinity.
Someone might ask the question, “What was the purpose of John’s baptism?” John’s baptism served the purpose of revealing to Israel the coming "Lamb of God" who would take away the sin of the world (John 1:29-33). When Jesus—the Lamb of God—was baptized, it was to fulfill righteousness because He had committed no sin (Matthew 3:15-17). Jesus’ baptism also demonstrated and foretold of His own death, burial and resurrection yet to come.
Sometimes, people have confused water baptism with the baptism into the Body of Christ (being saved). In Acts 2, when Peter preached about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, he said: “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (verse 38). When a person is born again, he is baptized by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ. This is not water baptism. Water baptism is not the baptism that saves. It is the precious blood that Jesus shed on the cross, not water, which cleanses us from sin. (See Ephesians 1:7; Hebrews 9:22; Revelation 1:5.)
A person must be baptized into the Body of Christ (saved) before water baptism. For without first making Jesus the Lord your life and believing that God raised Him from the dead, water baptism would have no purpose. Water baptism is an experience after salvation to confirm and strengthen your commitment to live a godly life.
The baptismal waters represent a burial ground. When you’re buried with Christ in baptism, you are proclaiming to heaven, earth, and hell that the old you no longer exists. To be buried with Jesus means that your old self died to sin just as Jesus did when He was made sin for us (Romans 6:3, 6, 10-12). That’s why we are immersed. It’s a picture of burial.
Coming up out of the water signifies our being raised to new life in Christ. To be raised with Jesus means making Him Lord of every area of your life—spirit, soul and body. You’ve been bought with the blood of Jesus and you belong to Him.
Everyday you now ask, “Lord, where do You want me to go? What do You want me to say? What do You want me to be? Not my will, but Your will for me be done.”
Romans 6:11-13 now becomes a very important scripture to us: “So you also should consider yourselves to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus. Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.”
When we, in obedience to our Father’s Word, consider, account and confess that we are dead to sin and alive to God through Jesus, we will experience both growth in our Christian lives and victory on a daily basis. Old habits and the results of sin from our former lives will fade and fall to the ground. Our minds will experience daily renewal by His word and we will be living expressions of Jesus Christ in this earth.
Water baptism should be a very significant time in your life as a believer. It’s a time to fully commit to obey and follow Jesus, being willing to fulfill the purpose and plan of Almighty God for your life. This is not something just for super- Christians. It’s basic Christianity—part of the solid foundation you need to build upon.
We are celebrating with you during this huge step in your walk with the Lord! It will be a day that you remember for the rest of your life!
Pastor Bruce
PS - I hope that this helps answer questions that you may have, and let me know if you have any more questions. Email me: pastor@lifeway.church
I want to meet with you and the others who will be baptized in the sanctuary at 9:15 am before the service so that I can answer any questions that you may have and go over a few logistical things beforehand.
We will use our portable baptism outside the church on the back concrete patio. (NOTE: We will heat the water to about 90+ degrees so you will be comfortable)
What should I wear/bring?
• Wear long dark pants and a shirt (we will have a black "Raised To Life" baptism t-shirt for you to change into at the end of the service and wear during baptism...and keep afterward)
• We provide towels for you to dry with; You may want to bring one extra dry towel.
• Plastic bag to take home your wet clothes
• Hairbrush/comb and hair dryer (if desired)
• Change of dry clothes (Make sure to bring extra undergarments. You will get to change in the bathroom afterward)
• NOTE: (If you wish for your hair not to get wet, you might want to bring a hair covering…. I have shower caps, but they are not very sturdy, and might come off when he raises you up out of the water….. We have had several ladies in the past who covered their hair)
Will I have to say anything?
I will introduce you and allow you to tell a bit of your story of how you became born again and decided to be baptized. (If you do not want to "tell your story," I will ask you a few questions) You will be assisted by an usher into the water and be briefly prayed over and then lowered just under the water and raised back up. You will then leave the water by stepping out of the baptismal. (The ushers will help you out of the baptismal and someone will direct you back to the bathroom so that you can dry off and change your clothes.)
Understanding Water Baptism
Jesus established water baptism as a commitment opportunity for believers when He gave the Great Commission message in Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:16. Water Baptism is far more than a ritual or religious exercise. It is not only our personal choice, but it's a command for us as believers.
Water Baptism is a public, outward declaration that reflects a personal, inward faith. It associates the believer with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and signifies the believer's death to the old life and his or her resurrection as a new creation in Christ (Romans 6:1–8; Colossians 2:12, 2 Corinthians 5:17). To understand the reason for being water baptized; it is important to carefully consider what the Bible says about it.
The word baptize is from the Greek verb baptidzo which means “to immerse.” The process of baptism consists of immersion, submersion, and emergence. This process is used to describe John’s baptism and Christian baptism. Simply stated, to baptize is to totally immerse an object in another substance and then bring it out again.
Many denominational "fights" concerning water baptism could have been avoided if we had just translated the Greek word for baptize properly—which means "to immerse". When a person is baptized in water, his or her body is totally immersed in the water and brought out again.
The awesome significance of water baptism is that it symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and our identification with Him in them. The Scriptures refer to Jesus as the "last Adam" (I Corinthians 15:21-22, 45). Jesus, in His sacrifice for us, represented us. When a person receives Jesus as Lord, he identifies fully with what happened to Jesus (Romans 6:4-6). Water baptism is a physical act that should indelibly mark the mind of the person being baptized with the reality of his union with Jesus Christ.
Water baptism also allows the believer to openly testify to others of their born-again experience. It serves as an outward sign and testimony of an inward grace. The believer has been crucified with Christ, buried with Him, and raised together with Him to walk in newness of life (Galatians 2:20; Romans 6:4).
Jesus said in Matthew 28:19, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” We believe it is scriptural to baptize in the Name of each of the Trinity.
Someone might ask the question, “What was the purpose of John’s baptism?” John’s baptism served the purpose of revealing to Israel the coming "Lamb of God" who would take away the sin of the world (John 1:29-33). When Jesus—the Lamb of God—was baptized, it was to fulfill righteousness because He had committed no sin (Matthew 3:15-17). Jesus’ baptism also demonstrated and foretold of His own death, burial and resurrection yet to come.
Sometimes, people have confused water baptism with the baptism into the Body of Christ (being saved). In Acts 2, when Peter preached about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, he said: “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (verse 38). When a person is born again, he is baptized by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ. This is not water baptism. Water baptism is not the baptism that saves. It is the precious blood that Jesus shed on the cross, not water, which cleanses us from sin. (See Ephesians 1:7; Hebrews 9:22; Revelation 1:5.)
A person must be baptized into the Body of Christ (saved) before water baptism. For without first making Jesus the Lord your life and believing that God raised Him from the dead, water baptism would have no purpose. Water baptism is an experience after salvation to confirm and strengthen your commitment to live a godly life.
The baptismal waters represent a burial ground. When you’re buried with Christ in baptism, you are proclaiming to heaven, earth, and hell that the old you no longer exists. To be buried with Jesus means that your old self died to sin just as Jesus did when He was made sin for us (Romans 6:3, 6, 10-12). That’s why we are immersed. It’s a picture of burial.
Coming up out of the water signifies our being raised to new life in Christ. To be raised with Jesus means making Him Lord of every area of your life—spirit, soul and body. You’ve been bought with the blood of Jesus and you belong to Him.
Everyday you now ask, “Lord, where do You want me to go? What do You want me to say? What do You want me to be? Not my will, but Your will for me be done.”
Romans 6:11-13 now becomes a very important scripture to us: “So you also should consider yourselves to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus. Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.”
When we, in obedience to our Father’s Word, consider, account and confess that we are dead to sin and alive to God through Jesus, we will experience both growth in our Christian lives and victory on a daily basis. Old habits and the results of sin from our former lives will fade and fall to the ground. Our minds will experience daily renewal by His word and we will be living expressions of Jesus Christ in this earth.
Water baptism should be a very significant time in your life as a believer. It’s a time to fully commit to obey and follow Jesus, being willing to fulfill the purpose and plan of Almighty God for your life. This is not something just for super- Christians. It’s basic Christianity—part of the solid foundation you need to build upon.
We are celebrating with you during this huge step in your walk with the Lord! It will be a day that you remember for the rest of your life!
Pastor Bruce
PS - I hope that this helps answer questions that you may have, and let me know if you have any more questions. Email me: pastor@lifeway.church