Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Day 5 - Turning Aside

Day 5 - Turning Aside

Then Moses said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.” Exodus 3:3 (NKJV)

Moses was intrigued by the miracle of the burning bush. It was on fire but not burning. It was a strange supernatural occurrence that captured Moses' attention and caused him to turn aside from his normal. The Lord was attempting to attract Moses for the purpose of revealing Himself and His plan to set the children of Israel free from Egyptian slavery.

Moses had to come out of his "normal" sheep herding rut of doing the same thing that he had done day after day in order to turn aside to come close to the bush. The ruts that we allow ourselves to get into can prevent us from recognizing that the Lord wants us to turn aside and discover more of His plan for our life.

Are you currently in a rut? Would you recognize the Lord appearing to you in a burning bush and calling your name?

Moses burning bush encounter set a precedence in his life of listening to the Lord. He became in tune with the voice of the Lord. The Lord had his attention. Moses was called by God to deliver the Children of Israel form Egypt before he was born BUT he had to learn to turn aside and listen.

The first step for us to hear the voice of the Lord is to turn aside. We must intentionally get out of the rut of normal everyday life and draw near to the Lord. Learn to recognize when He calls our name and respond to His promptings.

Identify any rut that you may be in and intentionally get out of it.

Say this: I am turning away from my normal rut of life and following the Good Shepherd and will go where He leads me. I am quick to hear His voice because I have ears to hear.

Pray this: "Heavenly Father, I turn aside from my normal routine today. I am seeing you with all of my heart. I refuse to be satisfied with status quo and the way things have always been. I hear Your voice more clearly than ever before. Speak Lord for Your servant hears. In Jesus Name."
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Mary - January 7th, 2022 at 11:29am

Thank you Pastor 🙏

Shirley T Sample - January 8th, 2022 at 1:18pm

Thank you for the words of encouragement.






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