Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Day 12 - He's Looking For Faith

Jesus is looking for faith in the earth.

Luke 18:8 [The Message]
But how much of that kind of persistent faith will the Son of Man find on the earth when he returns?

The parable of the persistent widow that Jesus told in Luke 18 was to illustrate the determination of someone in faith that has prayed and refuses to faint.

This type of faith is:

Rare - It is not found in most people.
Steadfast - Once it is set it doesn't change until it accomplishes it's intended purpose.
Patient - Able to endure the test of time and seemingly negative responses.

The reason that Jesus is looking for a radical, persistent faith is that He can work with this type of faith in order to bring His will to pass.

God is not like the unjust judge in this parable. The unjust judge eventually did what he did not want to do in the beginning. But he gave into the persistent woman. God, on the other hand, is eager to answer the requests of faith from His people. The only thing that He needs is for His people to stand in a persistent faith. The type of faith that doesn't lose heart.

While it is true that the Lord has given to every person the measure of faith it is up to each person to develop their faith into a faith that will not quit.

Be determined today to believe God regardless of what it looks like outwardly. Know that He desires more than anything else to bring His will to pass in your life. Trust Him with your whole heart and He will complete the work that He has begun.

Say this:
I know that it is God's will to answer my prayer of faith. I have confidence in Him that if I ask Him anything according to His will He hears me and since I know that He hears me I know that I have the requests that I have made of Him. My faith is ever-increasing because I continue to hear the Word and do the Word. Jesus finds faith in me. The faith that He gave me is working in my life!
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