Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Day 15 - Abraham Overcomes

We're so thankful that you have stayed with us each day as we're praying and fasting and preparing for God to do something great in our life this year, we know that God is moving in us and he wants us to grow so that we can be fruitful and multiply so we are resetting our ourselves in our spirit, our souls, and our body so that we can prepare for more.

This week we are going to emphasize the point of "expecting the best."

Expecting the best has everything to do with being a person that is filled with faith.

The word of God says that we walk by faith and not by sight.

So we cannot be moved by what we see this coming year. We understand that we're not in heaven yet and we still face challenges and we still face the enemy while we're still on this earth. There will be challenges this year, but we face them in faith always expecting the best.

1st John 5:4 says for whatever is born of God overcomes the world, and this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith.

God has given us faith in order to overcome everything we face in the world.

Say that with me, I am an Overcomer. We overcome because we have faith and we expect the best.

Today's scripture that we want to look at is found in Genesis 22:5.

The scripture says "he said to his servants stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you."

Abraham was told by God to sacrifice his only son Isaac. He was instructed to go up the mountain and sacrifice his son on an altar.

He was obedient to God and walked in great faith.

Abraham knew God, and trusted God. And because he knew God and trusted God, he was obedient to do all that God instructed him to do.

The faith that Abraham had built inside himself caused him to overcome the thought of losing his son at that very moment.

The word of God even says in Hebrews 11:19 that Abraham believed that God could bring Isaac back from the dead. Should Abraham had killed his son. Abraham was expecting the best not the worst.

Abraham was expecting God to do what only God could do.

Abraham was obeying in faith the instructions that God gave him. Because Abraham expected the best, he had the courage to do all that God asked him to do.

In this new year of 2025 let's be determined to expect the best. To be people of faith, walking in extreme obedience to our faithful God and everything he tells us to do.

Let's be full of courage and confidence that God will perform his word for us.

This is our year to thrive, to be fruitful, to multiply, to break out and break forth, and to experience everything that God has planned for us this year.

Let's pray before we go this morning… Heavenly father I thank you today for filling us full of courage to do all that you're asking us to do to make all the changes you're asking us to make this year. We fully expect the best. Thank you for the extra strength that we need to accomplish all that you want us to this year. In Jesus name, amen.

Be blessed and be a blessing.
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