Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

In The Fulness of Time

Good morning this is day 20 of our 21 days of prayer and because we gather together on Sunday morning we've chosen not to do a Sunday devotional, so this will be the final devotional for these 21 days.

We've had a very positive response with this video format. And we’ve looked at the numbers of views behind the different outlets for this video each morning, it is encouraging that people are receiving. The other good fruit that we have heard are the comments and encouraging texts.

Thank you for giving us the feedback. We are considering our next step going forward.

We currently send out the video through a text message at 6 AM Monday through Saturday. We also post it on our website at 6 AM along with the blog, which is the transcript from the video, for those who like to read. We also upload the video to our YouTube channel, Facebook page and Twitter feed. So for every five minute video, there's about 2 1/2 to 3 hours worth of work.

Today I just want to start off by saying thanks and giving an update on what it takes behind the scenes.

Most assuredly, we are going to pray and ask the Lord for our next steps and then obey what he tells us to do. Pastor Sheila and I are called to preach and teach the truth of God's word as pastors and to lead Lifeway Church into everything that the Lord has for us.

Pray with us and agree with us that we will be led by the Lord and all that we do going forward and stay tuned.

Let's get into one more point that the Lord's giving me for this season of prayer that we have been experiencing with the theme of doing the Will of the Lord.

You know in the Bible, there are many times that we find the phrase "in the fullness of time". And we make statements many times regarding "the timing of the Lord".

We need to understand more how to number our days and walk in patience where the will of the Lord is concerned.

I've seen many people through the years receive direction from the Lord, but because things didn't happen as quickly as they wanted, they gave up.

It wasn't that the Lord was leading them in the wrong way. The Lord spoke to them very clearly and gave them direction, but they became weary and/or impatient.

We can all generally admit that we have a desire to accomplish big things in a short amount of time. The world is full of overachievers and the peer pressure to do big things quickly seems to pressure us.

The word for you this morning is don't get discouraged when you take a step forward in what God is leading you to do.

Most things that involve the will of God don't happen overnight.

Think about this, Abraham was promised a son and it was 25 years before Isaac was born. God told Noah to build the ark and it took him nearly 100 years. We already mentioned the fact that Moses was 80 years old before he was sent back to Egypt to deliver God's people from bondage.

Even God, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth had the power to create everything in a matter of minutes, but he chose to create everything in six days and then to rest on the seventh day.

So here's our scripture for today it's Galatians 6:9. This is out of the Amplified Classic "let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting noble and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season, we shall reap if we do not loosen and relax, our courage and faint".

To do good means to do the will of God.

Don't give up because things don't happen overnight.

Make sure you're submitting to the will of God and do what He tells you to do.

He will speak to you in your time of prayer. Trust His voice and commit your work to him.

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