Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Present Yourself - Day 2

Today's word is Present. From the verse “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1, NKJV)

This greek word for present actually means to provide or make available.

Here in this verse the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul is pleading with us to bring ourselves to the Lord and make ourselves available to Him. He wants us to provide our spirit, soul and body to Him. Notice that the word present as a verb can mean to bring before or to bring to or to give...but the same letters are used to spell present as in the noun meaning gift. So this dual meaning of the word is used in this sense that we are to present ourselves to God as our gift to Him. Your present to God is you. When you give Him your whole being to God you are really giving Him the best thing that you could ever give. Did you ever think of that before?

God gave to you all that He had in His Son Jesus. He gave you His best. So it is only just and right that He asks you to do the same. He wants all of us. Every part of our life. I've said it before like this - the good, the bad and the ugly. He will take what we give Him and begin to show us the potential. He will show us the places in our lives that need improvement and the areas that we are already strong in. He can begin to examine us but we first must present ourselves to Him.

Presenting ourselves to Him is the first step in the process of examination. He can't examine what we don't present to Him. He cannot shine the light of His truth on the parts of our life that we keep hidden from Him. We have an appointment with Him today. He wants to meet with us. We have an opportunity to present ourselves to Him so that He can work His will in us.

Let's do it.

1 Comment

Leila Jeanlouis - January 10th, 2023 at 7:11am

Great WordPastor Bruce 👍👏






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