Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Day 1 - Reset Yourself

This is going to be a time of reset in your life spiritually!

If you were not in the service this morning go to the app and watch or listen to the message from yesterday entitled “Reset Yourself”.

There were 3 important points that you need to hear as we start out this year and these 21 days. Resetting Yourself involves - 1. Dumping The Past - 2. Prepare For The New - 3. Expecting The Best

Today’s verse is:

Philippians 3:13-14 NLT No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

Today’s word is RESET
The word "reset" means to set again or set anew.

When I was praying about the direction of this period of prayer and fasting for our church this new year…the Lord spoke the phrase - "you need a RESET". So I began to meditate on what He said and what it meant in a spiritual sense. What does it mean to have a spiritual reset?

I immediately thought of the example of RESET that I had learned back some 30 plus years ago.

I had a job as a computer network technician and part my responsibility was to answer the help desk calls when network users would have a problem with their computer. And I learned during the first few days of my new job that the solution for most people having problems with their computer freezing up or locking up was to REBOOT or perform a RESET.

The reset cleared the memory of the computer and restarted the hardware and software. It was miraculous!

After helping people with this solution a number of times some of the workers thought I was an expert. (You have to remember that most people back in 1990 were technology challenged).... The point is IT WORKED. The RESET worked!

So the Holy Spirit has been showing me that our soul - which is our mind, will and emotions can get gridlocked with many different things to the point that we freeze up or lock up and we need a reset or reboot!

This concept of RESET is the theme of what are going to dig into over the next 21 days.

Here’s a tip during prayer and fasting:

Prayer is the key to fasting!

We are not fasting to lose weight or prove that we are super-spiritual so that we can earn God’s approval.

If you fast but fail to spend more time in prayer all you are doing is dieting.

REMEMBER the goal of fasting and prayer is to spend extra time in prayer and the study and meditation of God’s Word.

At this point people often ask, "What do I fast?"

PRAY - "Lord, what do you want me to set aside during this 21 days so that I can seek you more and hear your voice? What has been dominating my time and attention?"

Be willing to go deeper with your fasting. You may start off fasting sugar and end up fasting one or possibly two meals a day.

The main point of fasting is to move our flesh out of the way so that we can clearly hear the voice of the Lord

We need direction from the Lord for this year of 2025!

He wants to speak to us all the time but most of the time our soul becomes so full of our wants, desires and problems it is hard to discern His voice.

Get your journal and Bible and expect to hear from the Lord! Let's reset ourselves spiritually!

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