Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Wisdom Leads To God's Will

Remember, the theme for this season of prayer is HIS WILL BE DONE

Jesus actually said as He was praying to His Father in Heaven - YOUR WILL BE DONE

During Sunday morning's message, I said to make a list of things that you want the Lord to speak to you about during these 21 days of prayer.

There are certain ones of you that are looking for changes or have big decisions to make and you need to know the will of God. You have to take some time, some quality time to quiet your mind in order to hear from the spirit of God. You need to know God's will in the situation.

You don't want to make a bad decision that leads to a mistake so you need to spend extra time in God's word and being still before the Lord during these 21 days. Write down the things that he tells you write down the Scriptures that he gives you and he will begin to connect the dots.

Today’s scripture is “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” (James 1:5–8, NKJV)

God expects us to ask Him for wisdom. He is the only one that knows everything and He is the one that knows what we need to know.

He wants us to have the answers that we need to make the right decision.

Jesus practiced Romans 12:1 and 2 daily. He knew what it was like to seek the Father’s heart before taking a step.

It seems like the bigger the decision the more time we should spend seeking the Lord and His will.

He wants us to walk in the light of His will. He doesn’t want us to make an “educated guess” or to take a shot in the dark about anything.

When we are asking God for His wisdom we are still responsible to dig into His word for insight. He wants to illuminate our path with His light so that it gets brighter and brighter.

If you are unsure about what to do or which decision that you should make, take some more time and be patient. Be still and know that He is God.

Trust Him enough to slow down and confirm with the Holy Spirit inside of you.

Remember, Jesus wasn’t anxious about anything at anytime. He walked in peace. Pray until the peace of God begins to guard your heart and mind.

Make a declaration to the Lord today.
Father, not my will but Your will be done. I will wait on You and walk in patience today. Your peace guards my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

Have an victorious day today! Be sure to check back tomorrow for day 3 …we are pursuing God and His will for our lives in prayer. His will be done in us today!

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