Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Prayer Formulas?

Pastor Sheila and I are praying for you this morning! We are believing that God is doing a wonderful work in your life during this season.

Remember that just because the world is "tribulating" right now…just because there’s a lot of craziness doesn’t mean that we are part of it. We will walk in the supernatural peace of the Lord!

Our theme is HIS WILL BE DONE - we are expecting and praying that God’s will be done in our lives.

This morning I want to go back to what we call the Lord’s Prayer.

Maybe you have been in a place where people begin to recite the “Lord’s Prayer” and everyone joins in. This is powerful because everyone is declaring the the will of God be done on earth as it is in heaven at the very same time!

On the other hand I do not believe that Jesus intended this prayer to be a script that we read and quote from memory.

As humans we like formulas. We like templates and even shortcuts. The current culture really likes AI like ChatGPT where we can ask the computer to formulate an email to whoever we want, whenever we want and for whatever reason we want. We have grown to depend on shortcuts.

But Jesus wasn’t giving us a shortcut in prayer.

Somehow Jesus knew that we would realize our inadequacy and He sent us a HELPER in prayer. John 14:16 says that He sent us a helper - the Holy Spirit that would help us pray especially during those times where we didn’t know what to pray. “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever” (John 14:16, NKJV)

He wants us to expect help from the Holy Spirit in prayer not from memorizing a script.

The Holy Spirit helps us to pray out into uncharted territory. He takes us in prayer further than we have ever been before.

When we don’t know the will of God in a certain situation, He does.

We have to surrender to the Holy Spirit in prayer.

When we allow the Holy Spirit to pray through us we tap into a greater level of His grace.

Having other people pray for you is OK but we don’t need to depend on other people praying for us all the time or posting a prayer request on FaceBook. We should get alone with God and the Holy Spirit will show us God’s will so that we can pray God’s will in every situation.

Let’s make a confession today -
The Holy Spirit is my helper in prayer. He knows the will of God and He shows me the will of God for my life. I don’t depend on a formula or a script because I have the Holy Spirit always leading me in prayer.

Thank God for the person of the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us and helping us to pray.

Have an victorious day today! Remember - God’s will is being done in your life today!
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