Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Day 7- Devoted Spirit, Defeated Flesh

Only when we are wholly devoted to God from our Spirit can we defeat the lust of our flesh.

Mark 14:37–38 (NKJV)
Then He came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “Simon, are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Jesus explained the battle between our spirit and soul very clearly to His disciples in one of the most critical moments of His ministry. In fact, everything that Jesus had done up to that moment in His earthly ministry would have been to no avail if He had given in to His flesh.

During this time in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus never asked any of His disciples to pray for Him. He knew what He had to do and He also knew that they could not do what only He was called to do. Their prayers for Him were not necessary. He said, "watch and pray so that you will not enter temptation".

Communication with the Father will keep you in a place that you recognize temptation and will be strong enough to resist it.

Jesus made the point that our flesh is weak and has the tendency to give in to lust. The flesh cannot resist sin. If we are not walking in the power of His Spirit we will allow our flesh to do what it wants to do. Their flesh wanted to sleep when they should have been praying.

How many times have you had the desire to pray and even began praying only to end up dosing off? (I have many times...)

How can we graduate to the level where we control our flesh rather than being controlled by our flesh?

The answer is exercising the fruit of the spirit self-control or discipline. When we discipline our flesh by studying the Word of God we strengthen our spirit. When we praise and worship God we strengthen our spirit. When we seek the Lord with our whole heart we are strengthening our spirit. To walk in the spirit we must be strong spiritually.

Say this:
"I am growing more devoted to God everyday. Every time I spend time in prayer my spirit grows stronger. I say YES to the Spirit of God and NO to my flesh. I refuse to allow my flesh to dominate me and I refuse to obey the lust of my flesh. I am watching and praying. The same Holy Spirit that empowered Jesus to win, empowers me to win. Because I am in Jesus I have the power to say NO to the flesh and the devil!"

Pray this:
Lord, I commit myself to You today. Thank you for empowering me with your Spirit so that I am able to walk in the spirit. Thank you for always reminding me that I am more than a conqueror and that I have the power to say no to my flesh and no to sin. I choose to live in You and through You today. You have full permission to lead, guide and direct me. My life belongs to You. In Jesus Name"

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