Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Day 21 - Expect The Power

Good morning this is it, this is day 21 the last day of our 21 days of prayer and fasting for January 2025. I believe and I trust that this has been a time of stretching a time of reset and a fruitful and productive time in your life.

I know personally that the Lord has challenged me in a number of areas. I am energized and strengthened to do all that He wants me to do this year.

Pastor Shelia and I are believing that you are energized and strengthened as well. As a church, we have a lot to do this year and we need faith filled people who are committed to the vision and calling of our church in order to do it. God is counting on us and we are going to give it our all.

He is strengthening our faith. He is challenging us to move up higher and to thrive.

Just because it's the last day, I want to encourage you to not stop. 21 days is significant. They say that you can start a new habit in 21 days or kick an old habit in 21 days. Keep praying, keep spending time in the word, and keep challenging yourself to hear the voice of God and do everything that he instruct you to do. We will be here cheering you on every day! You are precious to us, and you are precious to God!

Now let's take a look at one scripture that is near and dear to my heart. It's about Jesus disciples and how the church started. We find this passage and Acts chapter 1 where Jesus was talking to His disciples and He says in verse four and five "do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift that My Father promised which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."

Because Jesus gave them this promise they had great expectations to receive this promise.

Jesus had spent time teaching them about the Holy Spirit. Who He is, what His responsibility is and what He provides for every believer. His disciples understood this.

Jesus taught them about the Holy Spirit and he promised that He would send the Holy Spirit. This was the moment that they were waiting for.

When they went to Jerusalem and assembled in the upper room they were waiting to receive all that Jesus had promised them. Their faith and expectation was based on the words of Jesus.

We have to make sure that our faith and expectation is based on the words of Jesus. The word of God is our foundation and without it, we can have no faith.

We are also aware of what happened as they were waiting for the promise in the upper room. In Acts 2 it was recorded when the Holy Spirit came upon the 120 disciples who were waiting patiently and in faith. They were filled with power. They began to speak in tongues.

The speaking in tongues was a sign of the infilling of the Holy Spirit. The power they received was so that they could be witnesses and testify that the word of God was true.

The power they received gave them the ability to live victoriously in this life. This is what Jesus taught and this is what they believed. Their faith became sight.

Let's be determined this year to walk by faith not by sight. To expect the best in the face of challenging and difficult circumstances.

God goes before us and the greater one lives in us and He has given us the victory.

This is our year to thrive, not just survive.

To go over and overcome the things that have held us back.

We have experienced a reset, and God is opening doors of opportunity before us. Let's trust Him and depend on Him.

Call on Him and stand strong for Him!

We love you and count it in honor to be your pastors.

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