Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Day 18 - He Will Deliver Us

The Lord has been challenging us to leave the past in the past and to start with a clean slate and prepare for the new year before us, as well as expect the best by standing in faith for each day of this new year of 2025.

And since God is for us who could successfully remain our enemy? Since God is on our side, does that not guarantee our victory? God never fails. He never loses, and he never gives up.

He never gave up on you. People prayed for you. And God desired for you to live in his kingdom with him forever. And He never gave up hope that you would make Jesus the Lord of your life.

Aren't you glad that we serve a God that never gives up? I sure am.

Today we're gonna talk a little bit about expecting the best like the three Hebrew children that were thrown in the fire.

You find this account in Daniel chapter 3. There were three Hebrew young men named Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who declared with confidence that God could save them from the fiery furnace.

They were going to be thrown in the fiery furnace because they failed to bow down to the wicked king Nebuchadnezzar.

Listen to what they said before they were thrown into the fiery furnace, in verse 17 they said “if we are thrown into the fiery furnace the God who we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us from your hand. Oh King.”

They declared with their mouth what they believed in their heart that God was greater than King Nebuchadnezzar. Their faith and trust was in their God and this empowered them to expect the best.

So here’s a question for today. Is our faith and trust in God for this year before us this year of 2025?

Do we believe that God can turn every negative situation into a positive situation during this coming year?

There are some of us that will face what looks like a fiery furnace, but God is able to deliver. Do you believe that? will you declare that?

Say that with me, I believe that my God gives me the victory. I believe that my God delivers me from every fiery furnace. I expect the best this year!

Believe with us that we will accomplish everything that the Lord tells us to do this year personally and in Lifeway Church.

With his grace, we can do all things because he strengthens us and anoints us to do everything that he called us to do.

Stand strong today in the full armor of God. Be bold and speak God's word! We love you.

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