Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Day 14 - He's Bringing You Out

We are  Preparing for the New and looking to the Lord for the steps that He has ordained for us to take in 2025.
 I love the scripture in (Proverbs 4:18, NLT) “The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day.”

We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and our path is getting brighter and brighter. The Lord did not make us to walk down a dark path where we don’t know where we are going. He made us to walk in the light!

Notice when you walk in the light you are confident and you can walk at a good pace. But if you are walking in the dark you walk slow and even come to a stop because you are unsure of the danger you are facing.

I believe that during this time of fasting and prayer that the Lord is lighting up your path for this next year and beyond.

This is the time for the awakening and a time for the body of Christ to walk in the light and in a new level of boldness and confidence. Take that word for yourself today.

So now let’s get back into this truth of preparing for the new that God wants to do in our life.

Let’s go back in time where the Children of Israel were in bondage in Egypt. We find this in Exodus chapter 1. The Children of Israel were living in Egypt after the death of Israel and God was blessing them and they outnumbered the Egyptians. The Egyptians feared them and took them into bondage and made them their slaves.

God has never wanted His people to be a slave to any other nation or people so He had a plan to deliver them

God appeared to Moses in a burning bush on the backside of the desert and called him to go to Pharaoh and demand that  Pharaoh “let God’s people go”!

The new that God wanted to do in the lives of His people was bring them from bondage to freedom.

God always brings us from somewhere to somewhere....From defeat to victory, from depression to joy, from sickness to health, from the bottom to the top! He wants to exalt us!

The Israelite's had to leave the bondage of Pharaoh and Egypt for the freedom to serve and worship Him.

There was a process of preparation to bring them out.

A key part of that process was to prepare a Passover meal. And the main item in that meal was the lamb. Each family had to take a lamb and roast it. But before they could roast it they had to kill it and take the blood of the lamb and apply it to the doorpost of their home.

“The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you.” (Exodus 12:13)

By doing this they were declaring the covenant that God made with them to protect them and deliver them from bondage.

God’s will was to bring them out of Egypt and back into the promised land but He prepared them for the move. He spoke to them specifically through Moses and told them what to do to prepare.

God is now speaking to us to tell us what to do to prepare for the rest of 2025. He wants us to make specific changes and He will give us the power and grace to do it. His will is that we leave the bondage of the past and walk into the promises that He has for us in our future.

And through obedience to Him we are in a position for deliverance and breakthrough!

As we are praying today we, ask the Lord to show you any area that you need to prepare for breakthrough in this next year. Be specific with Him and He will be specific with you

2025 is our year to break forth and to be fruitful and to experience all of God's best this year and we're praying for you today. See you in church this morning!

We love you and ask you to agree with us that today will be a day of victory for you. God is for you and with you!

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