Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Does God Have Your Attention?

Jesus is teaching us how to pray and we're digging deeper into the word where Moses is in Exodus chapter 3 and encountering God at the burning bush.

When I think of this moment where Moses goes near to the bush, it reminds me of James chapter 4 verse eight that says "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."

God is waiting for us to draw near to him because there are things that he wants to tell us and show us.
God knew the assignment that he had for Moses, and he knew that Moses needed to know more about the details and specifics of that assignment so he called him to come closer.
But before Moses could come closer, the Lord gave him instruction to remove his sandals because the place that he was standing was holy ground.
Every time we meet with the Lord, we are standing on holy ground. Doesn't matter whether we are in our closet or on the back porch or in our car in the parking lot when we meet with God that place that we are at is holy.
God told Moses to takeoff his sandals. I believe that this instruction is even significant because Moses sandals were made out of leather, which was the flesh of an animal. They were man-made sandals, and I believe the Lord wants us to take off anything man-made or anything that is between us and the holy ground of prayer.

We must become transparent before the Lord. We have to have an open heart and an open mind to receive everything that he wants to tell us.
Like Moses, we need to recognize that we are on holy ground and the things that the Lord says to us are precious full of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and revelation. We need to treat the things the Lord says to us as holy. Write them down in a journal, treasure them and meditate on them.
You can almost imagine what what's going through the mind of Moses when the Lord was speaking to him from the burning bush and giving him instructions on how to come closer. Moses was probably saying to himself "what is happening right now?" His mind was probably having a hard time processing this unusual meeting with the Lord. The Bible says he was curious. The Lord had his attention.

So here's a few questions that I want leave you with today.

Does the Lord have our attention?

Are we curious about what he wants to share with us every day?

Do we remove the things that are in between us and the Lord?

When we come into the Lord's presence, are we listening with our heart more than we are talking and complaining?

Take a minute right now or when you can have some quiet time today and take your Bible, a pencil or pen and your journal and get ready for the Lord to speak to you.

Write down what He says.

Even if it's just one word or one sentence or one paragraph. Maybe it's just one scripture. He will speak to you if you're ready to receive.

Have an awesome day.
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