Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

His Will vs. My Will

I want to expand on a point that we made on day 1


Jesus realized that He had a will and that the Father had a will. He even said this in John 6:38 - He said “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.”

This is an important point to learn.

If Jesus had a will and He had to purposely lay down His will, so do we.

The Father knows that we have a will, He created us with a will. A will is a powerful thing.

Jesus showed us how to lay down our will so that we can take up the will of the Father.

The greatest example is when He was in the garden of Gethsemane. He had to consciously and purposely say it out loud…Not my will…He said it 3 times.
I believe that Jesus practiced the surrendering of His will to His Father daily in times of prayer.

He learned this at a young age and practiced it daily. You can tell that He understood this as a child because when He became separated from His parents for a short time - and they found Him - He said I must be busy about My Father’s business.

The place of prayer is the place of surrender.

Anytime we come into the presence of the Lord we humble ourselves.

We recognize that He is God…and we are not….

We place ourselves at the feet of His grace and mercy.

Like Romans 12 says, "We present ourselves - spirit, soul and body as an offering - a living sacrifice to Him".

Our soul is our mind, will and emotions. We place our will at His feet. We declare that Jesus is Lord over our will.

We agree with what John the Baptist declared - I must decrease so that He can increase.

We humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. We acknowledge that He created us so that we could know and do His will.

The more that we do this, the more that we are focused on His will. His will becomes the most important thing to us.

And we can say like Jesus - I exist to do the will of the One that I belong to.

Let’s make a confession today -
I purposely practice laying down my will at the feet of Jesus today. I declare NOT my will be done. I want the will of God to be done in my life. I am decreasing so that He can increase. I hear His voice more clearly and know His will in prayer.

Be encouraged! And remember - God’s will is being done in your life today!
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