Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Submission...Who Me?

Submission means the act of submitting. It also means the act of yielding to power or authority. To surrender to the power and the control of another. This definition comes from Noah Webster, who wrote a dictionary in 1828.

Submission is not a bad word. When we think of our relationship with God, submission is necessary.

Let's look in James chapter 4 at a couple of scriptures.

James 4:7 - Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Verse 8 - draw near to God and He will draw near to you

The Bible has many scriptures, clearly instructing us to submit to God. Sometimes it uses the word Humble. We've been also talking about humility a lot during this series on prayer.
The very act of praying to God is to humble ourselves before him. As we go to God in prayer, we are submitting to his authority.

Now we have to remember that God has ultimate authority as creator, whether we ever come to him or pray to Him at all. The fact that we are humbly coming to Him in prayer signifies that we are submitting to his authority.

When we are submitted and Humble before God, we can expect certain things that the Bible promises us such as here in James chapter 4 more grace.

Grace is God's ability on us and in us to do what he has called us to do. When we submit to him, we get more grace from him. The more grace we get the more strength, ability and wisdom we can walk in.

I had a funny example of submission this morning as I was waking up and doing what I normally do in the mornings. One of the first things that has to happen in the mornings is our dogs need to go outside to do their business.

We have two standard poodles named Solomon and Sophie. Solomon is a male and Sophie is a female. We say that Solomon is my dog and Sophie is Pastor Sheila's dog.

Before I take the dogs out, I need to put their harness on them. They know this they are 10 years old and we've been doing this for 10 years. Solomon wants to submit so he comes to me so that I can put on his harness, he even puts his head through the harness for me.

While I am harnessing Solomon Sophie runs out of the bedroom around the house and waits for me to chase her down. She thinks that it is a game. Most of the time it is not funny to me. She likes to play this game often. Sometimes I think she's laughing at me. And she always knows that I'm going to catch her but she runs anyway.

She is not submitted.

Seems like a simple illustration… Definitely funny.

There are a number of points that can be expanded upon, but here's the one question, which one are you?
Do you come to the master ready to walk with him and do what he needs you to do?
Or do you run from him and do your own thing?
How can I tell if I am submitted to do His will?
How quickly are you willing to do what the word says and how intently are you listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit?
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