Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Day 19 - Water Walking

Good Friday morning! This is a good Friday!

It is now day 19 of our 21 days of prayer and fasting with two more days left. I'm sure the Lord has spoken to all of us about resetting ourselves and getting ready for a great year this year.

We know that the Lord wants us to do some great things this year and before the action takes place we need great faith.
You know first Corinthians chapter 12 talks about God, giving us the measure of faith. So we all have the measure of faith, but what we do with that measure depends on us. When we feed our faith, the word of God it grows. As we use our faith, it becomes stronger. The stronger, our faith, the more we can do for God.

The Lord is empowering his church to be strong and do exploits in this hour. Jesus is not coming back for a week and broken down Church. He's coming back for a strong bride, ready to rule in reign for 1000 years. He wants his church to be filled with faith and filled with great expectation.

We can expect the best this year because our God believes that we can finish the work that Jesus started. Jesus started his ministry on earth with signs, wonders and miracles. The power of God manifested through the yielded Son of God.

Jesus walked in faith as he yielded to the Holy Spirit. God expects us to walk in faith, just as Jesus did because he gave us the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

The scripture that I want to look at today is found in Matthew chapter 14 and it is about Peter walking on the water.

Every time I read this passage of scripture, I am encouraged. My faith is ignited. It stretches me to believe God when I think about how Peter walked on the water.

We know the account very well. Jesus came walking on the water to the disciples who were in the middle of a storm. Peter saw Jesus walking and said Lord, if that's you allow me to come. Jesus answer was yes. Come on Peter. And Peter got out of the boat on the stormy water and began to walk to Jesus.

Here's actually what Matthew chapter 14 verses 28 and 29 says “Peter answered Him and said Lord if it is you, command me to come to You on the water, so Jesus said, come, and when Peter came down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.”

He was successful at walking on the water. His faith in Jesus held him up on the water in the storm. Peter expected the best.

We all know where Peter went wrong. He began to look at the wind and became afraid. There are a few lessons to learn from this account, but the main one is Peter expected to walk on the water and Peter walked on the water.

Maybe you wouldn't identify yourself as the most positive person. Maybe you tend to look at the waves in the wind a little bit too much. But today is your day to make the change.

Today is your day to stand up on your faith and declare, I expect the best. From this day forward, I will expect the best.

God has given me faith, my faith is growing, and my faith overcomes the world. I am victorious because my God has given me the victory.
I walk by faith I live by faith, and I win by faith.

Today is your day of victory, go and expect the best!!
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