Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Day 12 - The Overflow

Remember our 3 points about RESET to dump the past, Prepare for the New and Expect the Best. Last week we focused on dumping the past and dug deep on repentance. How to move aside those things that want to hold you back. This week we are looking at how we can Prepare for More. God has more in store for us in 2025.

So today we're going jump right back into the account of the widow in second Kings chapter 4. She had to make room for more.

Our point from yesterday was that “God will fill what you provide”.
The woman had to obey the instruction of the Prophet (which was divine wisdom). She and her sons had to work to gather pots and she had to pour oil from her original small jar into all of the empty jars that she could find. She provided the jars and God provided the oil.

If we do what we can do, God will do what only He can do.

Today’s point is our last point from this account of the widow woman and it comes from verse 7 - Let’s read it “She went and told the man of God, and he said, ‘Go, sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left.’”

So think about this…God didn’t move on the heart of the creditor to give the woman favor and have the creditor have mercy on here and forgive her debt. After all her husband had occurred the debt and he was dead. (That could have happened)  And God did not have one of the widow’s relatives come to visit her with big bag of money and tell her that God had spoken to them in a dream to tell them to help the woman pay off the debt. Those two things could have totally happened…and both of them would have been a supernatural provision from God.

Instead God involved the prophet Elisha, the woman’s sons and all of the neighbors that lent their empty vessels. And after it happened I am sure that everyone heard the story of the miracle. God did it His way and in a unique way.

He truly wants us to know that His ways are higher than ours and wants us to trust Him with our whole heart.

And here is another point. God didn’t just meet the widow’s immediate need; He provided more than enough for her and both of her son’s futures. God is interested in your immediate need. Yes, He sees where you are and He is the one that can meet those needs. But, He is also interested in your future.

He sees way out ahead of where you are today. He sees 2025, 2026, and 2027.

He wants to overflow your vessels so that you have more than enough left over to exceed your needs and help others around you.

When we are blessed we can bless others. If we don’t have enough for ourselves how can we do anything for anybody else? We want to be blessed so that we can be a blessing. It doesn’t stop with us. We become the vessel.

As we are praying today let’s ask the Lord to make us a blessing! Lord, use us to be a bigger vessel of Your blessing this year.

We are praying for you as you prepare for more this year. We believe that this year ahead will be the best year of your life! God has big plans for you this year.

Believe with me that today will be the best day of your life because Jesus lives big in your today!

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