Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Passion Week - He Took My Place

God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. - 2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV

This is the week of the year just before we celebrate Easter Sunday that is called Passion Week. It commemorates when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to prepare his disciples and Himself for the cross. It includes His prayer of surrender in the Garden of Gethsemane, laying down His life by being crucified on a cross giving Himself as a sacrifice for humanity. This Passion Week ends with the glorious resurrection of Jesus from the dead and the appearance before many witnesses to prove that He is alive! He has risen, just as He said!

The verse in 2 Corinthians 5:21 is one of those key verses in the Bible that shows us that Jesus took our place.  It also shows us why He took our place.

He took our place on the cross to become sin so that we would be made the righteousness of God.

He took our place on the cross because God wanted to restore our right standing and relationship with Him.

We call Jesus death on the cross the substitutionary work of Christ. Where He became something so that we might become something. He became sin so that we could be made in right standing with God. He was forsaken by His Father so that we could know the unconditional love of the Heavenly Father. He became sick and diseased so that we could be healed from sickness and disease.

Because of sin, we all deserved to die on a cross and go to hell, forever. But Jesus took our place. He took your place, He took my place.

We must personalize this act of love that Jesus did on the cross. Yes, He did it for all mankind but He did it specifically for you. You were on His mind when He was on the cross.

“God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8)

There is no greater love than Jesus laying down His life so that you could be saved from eternal separation from God. He loves you and wants you to be with Him forever and ever. This is why Jesus took your place.

Pray this:
Thank you Jesus for taking my place on the cross. Thank you Heaven Father for sending Jesus as the sacrifice for my sin. Show me this week more than ever before that Your love for me is greater than anything that I have ever done against You. Show me the power of the sacrifice of Jesus and His resurrection. Show me how He took my place on the cross and all that it means to me. In Jesus Name, amen.

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