Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Worshippers Stay Afloat

Worshippers Stay Afloat

Acts 27:22–25 (AMP)
But [even] now I beg you to be in good spirits and take heart, for there will be no loss of life among you but only of the ship. For this [very] night there stood by my side an angel of the God to Whom I belong and Whom I serve and worship, And he said, Do not be frightened, Paul! It is necessary for you to stand before Caesar; and behold, God has given you all those who are sailing with you. So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith (complete confidence) in God that it will be exactly as it was told me;

Paul understood that worship is what pulled him into victory when he and Silas where delivered from the Philippian jail. He experienced a supernatural suddenly as he did the only thing that he could do - worship God.

As Paul was in the middle of a huge storm on a boat that was destined to be destroyed, I believe that he was worshipping again. Worship kept him connected to the voice of the Father and to his imminent victory.

Paul was in the storm but the storm was not in him.

He was able to hear from the Lord and be encouraged. He took charge of the situation, not because he was the captain, but because he had a sure word from the Lord.

In worship you are able to hear the Lord clearly. In worship you are able to receive the strength needed to take the next step.

Paul and all those on the ship survived the ship wreak because Paul stayed connected to the plan of God when everything and everyone around him was shaking and reeling. Worship stabilizes you in challenging times and keeps you afloat when everything around you is disintegrating.

Stop, drop and worship today for 10 minutes. Put on a worship CD if that helps or just make a melody in your heart to the Lord.

I worship and serve God and am connected to Him through my worship. I hear His voice at all times and I receive direction in the middle of the storm. I may be in a storm but the storm is not in me. I have ears to hear the voice of the Lord and speak only what I hear Him say. I experience supernatural suddenlies as I worship my God.

"Lord, I commit to worship You today and put You first in all that I say and do. You are my everything. Thank You for showing me that my worship connects me to my victory. Thank You for a suddenly as I wait on You. I have ears to hear Your voice only. I seek first Your kingdom at all times. In Jesus Name."
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