Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Preparing to Fast

Fasting and prayer is powerful and purposeful when we are prepared.

We will begin a season of prayer and fasting on Monday, January 3rd 2022. Before we begin the fast there are some basics that we need to remember so that we are prepared and accomplish what the Lord wants us to accomplish through this time.

Remember that the focus of fasting is giving yourself to God the same way that Jesus did...totally.

Romans 12:1 (AMP)
I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.

The word "devote" describes what we do during the fast.

The word devote means:
To give or apply (one's time, attention, or self) entirely to a particular activity, pursuit, cause, or person.
To set apart for a specific purpose or use.
To set apart by or as if by a vow or solemn act; consecrate.

When we devote ourselves to God we are making a decisive dedication to give ourselves to Him. We surrender our spirit, soul and body to the One who created us. We commit to Jesus as our Lord with our actions and not just our words. We totally lay down our lives down at His feet as the ultimate act of worship motivated by love.

Beginning this time of fasting and prayer we should be very clear about the basics.

  1. Fasting and prayer does not move God. It moves us.
  2. We are not earning God's favor. It was paid for by the blood of Jesus.
  3. Fasting without prayer could help you lose weight but will not produce anything spiritually.
  4. Fasting is the scriptural way to exercise self-control over your flesh.
  5. Not everyone should fast the same things. Ask the Lord what He wants you fast specifically.
  6. Keep a journal of your special time of prayer and fasting.
  7. Spend more time in prayer during the 21 days of prayer and fasting.
  8. Don't brag about the fact that you are fasting and don't compare your fasting and prayer to others.
  9. Record what the Lord reveals to you through scripture and the times that He speaks specifically to you in your journal. Expect to hear from Him.
  10. Enjoy times of just "waiting" in His presence. Worshipping Him for who He is.

Say this:
"During the fast I will set myself to seek the Lord. I put Jesus first place in my life and I purpose to draw near to the Lord. I devote myself (spirit, soul and body) to God. I hold nothing back and I invite the Lord to inspect all of me. Everything in my life is open before the Lord. I present myself to Him. My attention and affection are on my Lord, Jesus Christ."

Pray this:
"Lord, prepare me in every way for this time of fasting and prayer. I am hungry and thirsty for righteousness and more of You! Begin to show me what You want me to focus on during this time and show me what I need to put aside to draw nearer to You, In Jesus Name."

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1 Comment

Mary Landis - January 3rd, 2022 at 5:31am

Father God, thank you for waking me this morning with a heart that wants to please you! Guide me into your truth and lead me into total

submission and surrender to what you have for me Lord. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and wholeheartedly. Thank you for all I have in you and your promises for me. Thank you for your everlasting love Father God. Help me to put all my faith and trust in you and you alone Lord. Guide me this morning into total surrender to what you have for me. Open my eyes and ears Father, so I dont miss it! Use me to magnify you and your kingdom! May I be quick to give you ALL the glory and praise Father. Its in your sweet name I pray these things, Amen.





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