Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

The Turning Point

Romans 12:2 MSG
Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out.

God has called us to live in His kingdom not blend into the culture around us.

The world is on a downward spiral but the Kingdom of God is stable and secure.

The moment that we become born again we are recreated spiritually and are dramatically different on the inside. We step into the Kingdom of God.

If we fail to move from being a believer to becoming a disciple we will continue to talk and walk in opposition to God, like the rest of the world. We must make another decision after making the decision to accept Jesus as our Savior. The second biggest decision that we make in our lives is to fully commit to dedicating ourselves to God everyday. This is our turning point.

Changing from the inside out requires a decision and consistent effort to renewing our mind with the word of God.

Once we present ourselves to God He begins to multiply His grace to us so that we can focus our attention on Him. As we focus our attention on Him He will open our eyes so that we clearly see.

Changing your standards from the world's ways to God's ways is not easy and it will not happen overnight. It is a process that requires your faith and His grace.

We can only build God's standard into our lives to the extent that we renew our minds with His word. His word and His Spirit working together is the "dynamic duo" that produces life change.

Because we are bombarded by the fiery darts from the enemy and the world's ways everyday it is necessary that we renew our minds daily. Daily renewal for fighting the daily battle.

Some would like to say, "we are victorious and have already won we don't need to fight..." Then why is it that God has provided us with His armor (Ephesians 6)?

We have won and we are victorious, YES! But we are to put on the armor and resist the devil. Capture every fiery dart of the enemy with our shield of faith and possess the land that Jesus won for us. Occupy and fortify!

Ask yourself this...

Have a made a commitment to be a disciple of Jesus?

Do I fully understand what it takes on a daily basis to renew my mind with the Word?

Why is renewing my mind necessary and important?

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