Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

His Super On Your Natural

Acts 1:4,8 (NKJV)
And being assembled together with them, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father, “which,” He said, “you have heard from Me;
But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

His disciples heard His command, went to Jerusalem, waited for the promise and were gloriously filled with His power. Obedience is a key to the glory.

The prophet Joel prophesied that the Lord would pour out His Spirit (His Glory) upon all flesh in the last days. The disciples had the flesh and the Lord poured out His Spirit. It was their "natural" that needed His "super" in order to do the job. It was also His "super" that needed their "natural" in order to shine His glory in the earth.

Our job is to obey Him, His job is to do the works through us. Jesus said, "It's the Father within Me, He does the works". If that is the way that it worked for Jesus, that is the same way that it must work for us, His body. We provide the obedient and yielded vessels and He empowers us with His power and glory.

Without Jesus we can do nothing but through Him we can do all things that He asks us to do. Learning to yield ourselves to Him is a lifelong process. The more that we yield the more that He is able to use us. This is known as consecration. To formally dedicate oneself to obey His purposes is to totally yield to Him.

Without His power we are utterly powerless. Yielding to His power makes us more than conquerers. Trying to fulfill God's purpose and will without His power only produces toil and frustration. But dedicating yourself to Him daily and obeying all that He tells you to do leads to a life filled with fruitfulness, peace and joy! Give Him your natural today!

Pray this:
"Heavenly Father, I dedicate myself to You today. I give you all of me; spirit, soul and body to do Your will and fulfill Your purpose. I belong to You. Jesus, You are my Lord and Master. I do only those things that I see You do and I say only those things that I hear You say. I am committed and consecrated to You. I present my natural to be empowered by Your supernatural."

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