Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Study For Yourself

The first step in the discipleship journey is to decide to be a lifelong student of God's word.

2 Timothy 2:15
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

The biggest part of the "scriptural illiteracy" problem is that people believe what they are told that the word of God says without ever checking it out for themselves. In order to become the disciple that you need to be, and Jesus wants you to be, you must grow in knowledge, understanding and revelation of the word of God.

Never allow someone else to expound the word of God to you without studying it for yourself in order to understand enough so that you can apply to your own life. (See Acts 17:11)

Mere Bible knowledge without revelation and application puffs a person up. The nature of the flesh seeks to impress others with our ability to regurgitate portions of scripture. But when you gain the understanding of the "what" and "why" you are ready to obey the word and watch the resulting power change your life. The power of the word is only released in the doing of it.

The ultimate goal in studying the word of God is not to impress people or to even impress God but to experience radical, personal life-change.

People should be able to identify a consistent transformation in our lives. Our words and actions should be proof enough that "we have been with Him" through the study of His Word.

One of the most obvious marks of a true disciple is the high standard of the word of God in their life.

Don't allow yourself to get lazy and just believe what you hear someone else say that God said in the Bible.

Ask yourself this...

Do I feed myself the word of God daily or do I rely on the Pastor to feed me just once a week?

Do I regularly check out the scriptures of what I am hearing in my local church and the programs that I watch and listen to? To see if the word is being rightly divided...?

What can I do to stir up more of a hunger for studying the word?
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