Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

Refuse Contentiousness

Philippians 2:3–4 (AMP)
Do nothing from factional motives [through contentiousness, strife, selfishness, or for unworthy ends] or prompted by conceit and empty arrogance. Instead, in the true spirit of humility (lowliness of mind) let each regard the others as better than and superior to himself [thinking more highly of one another than you do of yourselves].

The spirit of strife is a "know-it-all" spirit that continually questions and challenges others. It has to have the last word and "win" the debate.

The truth is that no one wins an argument. (Even though someone is eventually proven right the damage done by arguing causes fractures in the relationship.)

Proving your point at the expense of hurting another person is relational destruction. God did not make you the authority on something in order to prove everyone else wrong. Remember it is pride that got Lucifer thrown out of his position in heaven.

To walk in unity we must put on humility and think of others before we open our mouth. Think about what you are about to say and how it will affect the hearer before you release your words. If you feel you must say what you are about to say to prove that you are right, watch out!

God made us to be peacemakers not peace breakers. Refused to be used by the enemy as an instrument of strife. Make it your goal that every word that comes out of your mouth produces healing, edifies and lifts up the hearer.

We don't please God by being right all the time we please God by producing unity. Jesus never had to prove that He was right by arguing, fussing and fighting. He let his actions speak for him.

Go to the last person that you had an argument with and ask them to forgive you for arguing.

I am a peacemaker and speak only words that produce peace. I am quick to hear and slow to speak and slow to wrath. I refuse to be used as an instrument of strife and contention. I refuse to argue. I choose to love like Jesus loves.

"Lord, Help me to judge my words before I speak them. I yield myself to You today and allow Your love to flow through me to a greater degree. I hear the words that You want me to speak and speak them. I put on the humility of Jesus and think of others before I think of myself today. In Jesus' Name."
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