Lifeway Church in Dacula, GA | Sundays 10 AM

We Never Saw Anything Like This

Mark 2:11-12 (NKJV)
“I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.” Immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went out in the presence of them all, so that all were amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!”

You think you have seen it all? No way. Can God do something that will just totally amaze you? Yes, for sure!

In our limited experience we may have seen some great things. But we haven't seen anything yet! This one thing about God intrigues me to go deeper in knowing Him; I haven't experienced all that He has for me to experience yet! There's more! More of His glory that I need to see. More of His voice that I need to hear. More of His love that I need to have flowing through me. More, more, and more! And when you see more, there's more. And then more!

We need to demolish every little box that we have unconsciously put God in. He is so much bigger and so much more powerful than anything that we have seen or experienced.

I like at the end of this account of the paralytic man they were:
1. Amazed
2. Giving glory to God - they recognized that the miracle came from Him
3. Declaring that they had never seen anything like this.

We need to maintain this attitude; "Lord, show me something that I have never seen before!" (Not that we are demanding a "sign" in order to believe that there is a real and living God. Or that we are seeking a sign or some experience.) We need to comprehend that God wants to show us His goodness in ways that we have never seen before. And that He is bigger than we have ever imagined.

I like what one minister has said, "Stop everyday and look at the size of God!". When we do this everything else shrinks in comparison. He is great and greatly to be praised! Show us Lord. Surprise us Lord!

Take all of your challenges and list them together on a sheet of paper. Then look at them compared to the size of God! With God all things are possible!

My God is bigger than everything that I have ever experienced! He shows me things that I have never seen. I expect to be surprised by God and His supernatural goodness.

"Lord, You are so good and You do great things. I stand amazed at your marvelous works. I magnify You above all the challenges that I am facing and cast all my care upon You. Your power and faithfulness are greater and bigger than any obstacle. You always cause me to triumph and I give You all glory. I am expecting to see more and more of Your "suddenlies". Surprise me."
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1 Comment

Lin - May 18th, 2022 at 9:05am

Excellent message for today & everyday. Thank you.





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